ws Epworth Climate Stewardship Fund for Charities

An equity fund for charities looking to earn good long term returns whilst being concerned for the climate.
It takes a Christian ethical approach to investing.

Investment objectives

The Fund seeks income and capital investment growth over a minimum period of 5 years through investing mainly in UK companies, excluding those with significant exposure to greenhouse gas emissions.

Concern for the Climate

The Fund will look to have a carbon footprint substantially below (at least 15%) that of the FTSE All Share Index by:

  • seeking to invest in companies that will help the transition to a lower carbon economy.
  • engaging with portfolio companies to encourage more action to reduce the risk of climate change.
  • excluding companies that extract or refine fossil fuels and those which have a material involvement (e.g. 20% of turnover) with supplying the fossil fuel extractives and refining industries.

Christian ethical investment

We aim to ensure that our portfolios are consistent with the Christian faith. As a result, the Fund will also avoid investment in companies whose business is wholly or mainly involved in alcohol, armaments, gambling, high interest lending, the oil and gas sector, pornography, tar sands, thermal coal and tobacco.

We are stewards of our investors’ capital and seek to use our influence to improve ethical standards by engaging with the management of the businesses we invest in on a wide range of issues, including climate change.



To 30 June 2024 1 year
3 years
% p.a.
Since 28.05.20
% p.a.
Fund 13.4 4.0 7.7
Benchmark † 13.0 7.4 10.3

*Fund launched 28 May 2020. Performance data has been calculated using Income B Units, which were available at launch only. These Units have a 0.10% per annum lower management charge than the Income and Accumulation Units that are now the only options available for new investment. Fund performance is net of fees. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. †FTSE All Share Index.

Unit value and distribution

Unit value
21 October 2024 (Income units) 122.49 -
21 October 2024 (Income B units) 122.24 -
21 October 2024 (Accumulation units) 140.82 -